Sunday, April 4, 2010

So many questions

These are some of the questions I've had tumbling around in my head since it first became clear that this whole journey might really happen:

Where will we live?
How will our belongings get there (and not take forever)?
What do we need to bring with us?
Will I have trouble getting prenatal healthcare?
Will we be able to open a bank account (I've heard it's a nightmare)?
How will we pay bills until we can open a bank account?
What electronics can we bring that will work with adapters?
Will Mr. R qualify for a visa?
How will I help our son adapt to a 5 hour time difference?
Will I be able to get certain products that I like here (makeup, medicine, etc)?
Will we have to get new driver's licenses?
What will I need to do for my new baby to be an American citizen when we repatriate?
How is the best way to pay our American credit cards with UK money?
And most importantly: How often can I come home to visit my family?!

Many of these questions have already been answered, but I wanted a starting point so you can see how clueless we were, and then as we gather information, I'll include it here.

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